Editing Desciptions

Developmental Editing

Includes thorough critique for content, structure, and style of the complete work. Addresses issues of content development, chapter structure and arrangement, and bringing the full scope of your idea into view for the reader. Often includes but not limited to: trimming, rearranging, and rewording material based on the initial thesis. During this process, we will pose in-depth questions and comments meant to promote transparency and challenge how the work is developing. * For Fiction works, we will analyze the audience and genre to help determine whether the content is appropriate. Then, things such as plot, pace, characterization, and dialogue will be closely examined.

Line Editing

* This process addresses issues of sentence structure, language, and flow. Editing for but not limited to: clarity, word-choice, tightening passages and redundancies or inconsistencies that would interfere with the readability of the work.* This final stage of the editing process focuses solely on technical and typographical details. It is the last check for any mistakes in spelling, grammar, consistency, punctuation, and mechanics of the manuscript.

Proof Reading

* This final stage of the editing process focuses solely on technical and typographical details. It is the last check for any mistakes in spelling, grammar, consistency, punctuation, and mechanics of the manuscript.